EurocanPlatform WG (EP)
Chairperson: Ulrik Ringborg
It is a NoE of European Comprehensive Cancer Centers recently financed by the EC within the 7FP; through membership and personal involvement, it is closely linked to the OECI .
The EurocanPlatform works towards the decreasing of cancer mortality by cooperation of major comprehensive cancer centers and is aiming to bring translational research results to a new level. It will connect the necessary resources and provide know-how for the entire research continuum: basic research, early and late translational research, clinical research, epidemiological research, implementation in care and population based outcome research. A strong focus is related to discovery-driven translational cancer research in five selected tumours: breast, head-neck, lung, malignant melanoma and pancreatic cancer. Joint structures and programs for early detection will contribute to optimal treatment, while novel prevention research programs will integrate prevention activities in clinical cancer centers as well as public prevention. EurocanPlatform is unique in its nature and represents a commitment from cancer centers to join forces and resources in order to fight cancer. The OECI WGs are leading or contributing partners in some of the NoE work packages and the OECI is directly committed for dissemination and communication activities.