The OECI Mission Statement
The Organization of European Cancer Institutes (OECI)
A European Economic Interest Grouping

The OECI mission is to bring together the cancer research and care institute of the EU in order to create a critical mass of expertise and competence with the view of building and maintaining a consensus on the best models of oncology, developing concrete affordable and realistic solutions to effectively combat cancer, and fostering the widest deployment of oncology models and solutions to improve the quality of life for the patients in the EU.
In order to achieve this mission, certain strategic activities must be pursued, and the OECI intends:
  • To develop a consensual vision of excellence in oncology which is concrete, affordable, and realistic. In particular, to develop a coherent model of a “comprehensive cancer centre” based on multidisciplinarity, integration, patient care, research, education and a critical mass.
  • To develop collaboration and management instruments that enable and facilitate interactions resulting in joint projects and activities among its institutional members;
  • To foster the accumulation and exchange of oncology know-how, competences and other resources among its institutional members;
  • To bring together senior competences that EU institutions and other public bodies can call upon regularly or on an ad-hoc basis, to address cancer research and care management problems;
  • To voice and present the views of its institutional members to the EU policy- and decision-makers and to the wider public;
  • To act as a lobbying agency with the EU and other national institutions, authorities, or agencies on behalf of its institutional members;
  • To contribute to establishing a European research and training area for oncology.
The OECI is fully aware of and interacts with other organisations on the EU cancer scene, such as ESMO, EORTC, FECS, IARC, EACR and others. The OECI mission is distinctive in that it complements the work of these initiatives by integrating their aims and views into the model of “comprehensiveness”. Such integration is mandatory if we are to ensure the manageability of cancer in the EU. Moreover the OECI distinguishes itself by being an organisation of cancer institutions. The policy of the OECI will be to encourage collaboration with all public, private or such organisations that pursue goals of improving the quality of life of all cancer patients in the EU.
